Journey to Angkor Wat is quite easy. Lot of hotels however all quite expensive. So end up we decide to take hostel as backapackers again. I already forgot the hostel name but then I still remember the cost and the Hostel Owner name is Michael. He is a very easy-going person. Every email I wrote to him, he will reply to me and answer my questions very details.
The room is a double bedroom with air-conditioned. So the price is around USD 15 per day. Quite reasonable to me. The car rental for one day is USD 25 , english speaking guide also USD25 per day. Spending in Siam Reap is quite expensive because all counted in USD. Each meal is around USD 5 - 8. I still manage to keep the total spending for my trip around RM970.00 including air fare, hostel, entrance fee , meals and souvenirs.
The entrance fee into Angkor Wat is USD40 for 3 days pass. But if you wish to buy one day pass will be USD20. Don't think it is expensive because the view and structures of the Angkor Wat is worth than that.
There are some spot quite dangerous in Angkor Wat especially when climbing the stairs. If you fall down, I can guarantee sure injured deep shit. (ahaahha)
At night, we spent all time in town. Walking around. But not much shops, so within one night we can walk all the shops and grab the souvenirs you wish to have. I managed to get the magnet which is the image of angkor wat (is handmade said the shop owner) at USD1 for 4. Quite cheap already because other stores I asked need around USD1 for 3.